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Dental Implants – Buckhead, GA

Reclaim Your Missing Teeth

Smiling woman in dental chair

A single missing tooth can cause huge problems for both a person’s oral health and self-confidence, and those issues only compound with each additional missing tooth. If your life has been hampered by the gaps in your smile for too long, Dr. Mark Barr and Dr. Avni Maru are ready to provide the permanent solution you need: dental implants. With this one treatment, they can replace any number of teeth for a lifetime, helping you regain your quality of life in the process.

Why Choose Endodontics of Buckhead for Dental Implants?

  • Start-to-finish implant care all under one roof
  • Dentist with over 30 years of experience providing specialized care
  • Mastership with the International College of Oral Implantologists

Benefits of Dental Implants

Smiling older man in dental chair

When it comes to tooth replacement, dental implants are truly in a class of their own. Unlike traditional bridges or dentures, implants actually restore a tooth both above and below the gum line. A titanium prosthetic root is inserted directly into the jawbone, providing the ideal foundation for new teeth. This approach not only makes implants extremely stable, but they’re also the only treatment that can prevent the bone loss that is so common after tooth loss.

Implants, in addition to providing unmatched oral function, are also first in the aesthetics department as well. Because implant restorations are built just like real teeth and topped with lifelike porcelain restorations, they look, act, and even feel like real teeth as well, helping them blend seamlessly into any smile.

They are extremely reliable as well, having a 98% success rate. Plus, with only brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits, an implant can be trusted to last for 30 years or more.

Indications for Dental Implants

As we alluded to above, implants are actually quite versatile and can serve the needs of patients with varying degrees of tooth loss. Depending on your particular situation, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru can recommend one of the following restorative options:

Missing Single Tooth

Model of implant fixed bridge

After the prosthetic root has been put into place, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru can attach a single, custom-made porcelain crown to it using a metal connector called an abutment. Unlike a traditional bridge, this new tooth won’t put stress on the surrounding teeth and gums, making it a better choice for long-term oral health and function.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Model of implant dental crown

For patients missing consecutive teeth, replacing each one with an individual implant would likely be cost prohibitive. Fortunately, implants can be oriented to support a new type of bridge, one that is extremely strong and yet more conservative than a regular one. Two implant posts are placed on either side of the replacement teeth, and these are used to anchor and support prosthetic teeth that fill in the gap.

Missing All Teeth

Model smile with fixed bridge restoration

Even people who are missing most or all of their teeth can benefit from implants. By placing a few prosthetic roots strategically around the mouth, they can be used to secure a denture that has a fit and dependability a removable prosthetic simply can’t match.

Start-to-Finish Convenience

Hand holding a full denture

At most other dental offices, patients have to go to two different offices to have the implant procedure completed one to place the implants and another to restore them. This usually adds time, expense, and stress to an already nerve-wracking process. That’s why we save our patients the hassle and provide the entire treatment in the same convenient location. Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru have undergone specialized training to provide all-inclusive implant care to help our patient’s rebuild their smiles in the most efficient way possible.

Tooth Extractions

Woman receiving dental exam

If a patient is interested in getting an implant denture, it may be necessary to remove any remaining damaged or decayed teeth along the arch to create enough room/ensure a proper fit. Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru can provide these as well, and in some cases, they may be able to extract teeth, place implants, and restore them all at the same appointment (this is not often the case, however).

Bone Grafting

Clasp holding extracted tooth

In order for a patient to be a good candidate for dental implants, they need one main thing: enough healthy jawbone to safely support the new roots. If a patient lacks this, then a bone graft can be used to build up the jaw so it can provide a stable foundation for the new teeth.

This will involve placing a bit of a patient’s own bone, donated bone, or a lab-made tissue on the area of the jaw intended to house the implant in order to stimulate new growth in the area. Once again, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru are able to provide this procedure in-house so our patients can get everything they need while working with the same dentist and team that they trust.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Closeup of healthy smile

Because dental implants are able to help an entire spectrum of patients, the cost of the procedure can vary quite a bit from person to person. Factors like how many teeth a patient would like to be replaced, which restoration they want, and if they require any extractions or a bone graft can all affect the final price. In order to get a better idea of what your particular procedure will entail, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru.

While it’s true that implant restorations are usually more expensive than traditional dentures or bridges upfront, they are actually the most cost-effective option overall, largely thanks to their durability. Regular tooth replacements typically last about 7-10 years before they need to be completely redone, multiplying their initial cost. On the other hand, dental implants can easily last for 30 years or more with just standard oral hygiene, saving a patient thousands in dental treatments over the course of their lifetime.

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