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Antibiotic Therapy for Root Canals – Buckhead, GA

Stop the Spread of the Infection

woman taking a pill

Root canal therapy in Buckhead is recommended when there are no other viable treatment options to save an infected tooth. Although they are only suggested as a last resort, over 15 million are performed annually. Now, they offer over a 95% success rate when conducted by a qualified and reputable endodontist, like Dr. Mark Barr and Dr. Avni Maru. To ensure the success of your treatment, they may recommend antibiotic therapy before your procedure.

Do I Need Antibiotic Therapy?

root canal

A root canal is an endodontic treatment that extracts the inner layer of the tooth called, the pulp. It is needed when the tooth is infected to prevent it from spreading to surrounding tissues. If the tooth is not treated, it is possible for the infection to spread to other areas, including your jawbone or brain.

Before performing the root canal, your endodontist in Buckhead may prescribe an antibiotic to kill the bacteria in the infected tooth. The adverse effects of misusing and overusing antibiotics are natural concerns, which is why Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru only recommend the medication when it is in your best interest.

Generally, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru only prescribe antibiotics when:

An antibiotic is helpful in any of these situations because it can reduce the risk of it turning into an emergency that may require an admission to the hospital. The antibiotic helps stop the infection from spreading and reduces swelling before your root canal. Both issues can also impact the effectiveness of the local anesthetic. If the infection is severe, it will not allow it to properly numb the area, which could make your procedure extremely painful.

Although the antibiotics minimize the swelling and the infection, it will not heal the tooth. Your symptoms may subside, but they will quickly return if the tooth is not treated with root canal therapy because the source of the issue has not been resolved, such as decay.

If Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru recommend you take an antibiotic before your root canal, they may want you on the medication for at least 24 hours before your procedure.

What If I am Allergic to Antibiotics?

Before prescribing any medications, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru take the time to review your medical history, including any allergies you have to antibiotics. It is important to tell them about any issues you have had in the past with any medications, so they can choose one that is safe for you.

Save Your Smile Today!

man in dental chair

If you have a severely infected and decayed tooth, Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru can save it with a root canal. After an initial consultation, they create a customized treatment plan you need to stop the spread of the infection, which may include antibiotic therapy.

Do not wait until it is too late. Dr. Barr and Dr. Maru are the trusted endodontists you need for root canal therapy. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

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